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Tuberculosis and innate immunity: understanding early clearance of infection

36 months
Approved budget:
Dr Ayesha Verrall
University of Otago
Health issue:
Infectious disease
Proposal type:
Clinical Research Training Fellowship
Lay summary
I am completing Physician training in Infectious Diseases. I have had experience with a variety of research methods and success conducting research overseas. Through doctoral studies I aim to build a research career in Infectious Diseases in New Zealand with international reach. Tuberculosis (TB) is important regionally, continues to resist elimination in New Zealand and imported multi-drug resistant strains are a threat. Additionally, the link between communicable and non communicable disease is a promising field. An already funded multicenter study will recruit large cohorts of TB patients and their contacts and will allow focus on a critical question for TB control: what immune mechanisms underlie apparent resistance to TB infection in heavily exposed individuals? An HRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship provides an opportunity to leverage a research site where TB is endemic and international expertise to develop this line of inquiry.