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TRIO: Targeted Rehabilitation, Improved Outcomes

59 months
Approved budget:
Professor Cathy Stinear
Health issue:
Proposal type:
Health Delivery Project
Lay summary
Stroke is a leading cause of adult disability. In this project a team of clinicians, scientists and economists will evaluate the benefits of a new process for prescribing rehabilitation after stroke, called 'Targeted Rehabilitation, Improved Outcomes' (TRIO). The project will implement an algorithm for determining individual patients' potential for recovering movement, and setting appropriate rehabilitation goals. The research team will evaluate the benefits of rehabilitation prescription for patient outcomes, and its effects on rehabilitation service delivery. The project has strong engagement with clinicians who will lead the translation of our research findings to other local and regional centres. TRIO is an innovative approach that aims to maximise efficiency, effectiveness and continuity of care. TRIO will promote a culture of research and innovation in health delivery, and have a positive impact on clinical practice and service provision within 5 years.