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Taku aroha ki nga tai e ngunguru e ra:Transforming Maori health cancer workforce

36 months
Approved budget:
Dr Monica Koia
Massey University
Health issue:
Cancer (oncology)
Proposal type:
Māori Health PhD Scholarship
Lay summary
Cancer is the second highest contributor of mortality for Maori and strategic responses have included the development of Maori health cancer workforce initiatives. This research will critically investigate those workforce initiatives, specifically the evolution and development of Maori cancer navigator/coordinator roles nationally and within the Central Cancer Network region, and explore the contextual factors that impact on their effectiveness in improving Maori health outcomes across the cancer continuum. Research methods consist of tikanga Maori practices, like powhiri (welcome), and qualitative and quantitative design such as interviews and surveys. Data will be analysed using thematic, content and descriptive statistical analyses. The likely outcomes are clearer and better understanding for developing Maori health cancer workforce by accessing multiple perspectives from Maori and their whanau, and health professionals from Maori and non-Maori health providers. My background in social work and Maori health workforce will contribute to me developing as health researcher. The personal information contained on this page may be made available to members of the HRC Committees relevant to the review of the application on a confidential basis. Some of the information may be used in a non-identifiable form for HRC statistical purposes.