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Stories from home: Ngati Te Takinga, Ngati Pikiao

3 months
Approved budget:
Dr Tepora Emery
Health Research Council of New Zealand
Health issue:
Other (generic health or health services)
Proposal type:
Māori Health Project - Grant In Aid
Lay summary
The Grant-in-Aid is applied for to assist in publishing, printing and disseminating the findings of the HRC-FoRST funded PhD thesis, 'E Hoki ki Too Maunga' by Dr Tepora Emery, in a manner specifically tailored for hapu and iwi readership. While reports on the thesis have been disseminated, Ngati Te Takinga (about whom the thesis is written) has asked that the findings are made available to Ngati Te Takinga and Ngati Pikiao whanau in a way that can be more easily accessed and used by them to educate their whanau.