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Resilient Whanau: Wellbeing through innovation and traditional practice

18 months
Approved budget:
Ms Tania Rauna
Health issue:
Other (generic health or health services)
Proposal type:
Joint Research Partnership Project
Lay summary
The Turanga Health Kaumatua Programme, developed in 1999 is a Kaupapa, marae-based intervention designed to promote whanau health and resilience and within that, Kaumatua wellbeing. Ten years on, a research team convened in consultation with Kaumatua will evaluate the extent to which the Programme has been effective and deepen understanding of any critical success factors. Evaluation case study data, collected through recorded hui with sub-focus group interviews, other focus groups, queries of existing databases, document and literature review, will be analysed thematically and statistically. Kaumatua, Whanau, Hapu, Iwi and other key stakeholders will be involved in the four phases of the project. Research outcomes, to be disseminated in academic, practice and lay contexts, aim to enhance knowledge and understandings of whanau (and within that Kaumatua) health, wellbeing and resilience; and of service / practice imperatives to support health and resilience.