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The process and experience of family carers managing nursing procedures at home

48 months
Approved budget:
Dr Janet McDonald
Health issue:
Other (generic health or health services)
Proposal type:
PhD Disability Research Placement Scholarship
Lay summary
Family caregivers support disabled, ill or elderly people in their homes, undertaking various roles and tasks including nursing procedures. These range from relatively simple to complex tasks (e.g. changing dressings to managing a tracheostomy). We know little about performance of nursing roles by non-health professionals and the issues that arise, particularly from carers' perspectives or within the New Zealand setting. This research aims to explore experiences of family carers who undertake nursing procedures at home, focusing on identifying what procedures carers undertake and carers' experiences of these; understanding how professionals teach the necessary skills; and understanding the learning process from carers' perspectives. The research will involve interviewing carers and professionals using a qualitative methodology (grounded theory). It will contribute to greater understanding of an important carer role and result in recommendations for policy and practice to ensure carers receive the support they need to effectively undertake nursing procedures at home.