Lay summary
The number of people dying in advanced old age is increasing rapidly. However, little is known about their end-of-life circumstances, hindering practice and policy development. We will build on the LiLACS NZ longitudinal study, in which approximately 575 Maori and non-Maori participants aged >80 years have completed questions specifying their preferences for end-of-life care and nominated a whanau/family member to be interviewed after their death. In this study we will conduct post-bereavement interviews for approximately 60 deceased LiLACS NZ participants (50% Maori). Rigorous qualitative methods will be used to explore the end-of-life challenges faced by the deceased and their bereaved family and whanau, using a Maori lens for Maori. Recommendations to improve care will be formulated in collaboration with participants and their local hapu/community. Ultimately this study has the potential to inform better outcomes for the growing numbers of people dying in advanced old age and their whanau and family.