Lay summary
Recent media reports have highlighted the negative impact of rangatahi Maori offenders on communities. Mental health and substance abuse disorders contribute to such offending, but there is limited research on which to develop solutions. We will assess the feasibility of a future project to address this evidence gap. This future project will:
(1) Estimate the number of Maori youth offenders that have mental health or substance abuse disorders;
(2) Describe their socio-cultural/educational background, access and utilisation of mental health services; and
(3) Provide a validated tool to improve the identification and treatment of rangatahi offenders with such disorders.
We will interview rangatahi offenders, whanau, and representatives from Corrections, CYFS, Mental Health/Forensic Services, and Youth Courts. We will examine information from these services. The outcomes will be a culturally valid scientific evidence-base and screening tool to improve the identification and treatment of mental health and substance abuse disorders amongst rangatahi youth offenders