Lay summary
This programme consists of five projects:
• A trial (RCT) of zoledronate infusions every 18 months for fracture prevention in women at intermediate fracture risk.
• A systematic review of all studies relating calcium intake to fracture risk, to provide a sound basis for advice to practitioners and the public for recommendations in this area.
• An RCT of intensive drug treatment of gout to determine whether this reduces joint damage.
• A comparison of bone cell function between people in their 50s and those aged >75 years to define what changes occur in cell function with age that might contribute to the development of osteoporosis.
• Development of bone substitutes that can be used to promote healing of severe fractures or large areas of damaged bone.
These studies will increase understanding of why osteoporosis develops in old age, and advance its treatment and that of gout, both common musculoskeletal problems in older New Zealanders.