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A lifecourse approach to health and wellbeing - whanau early intervention

18 months
Approved budget:
Dr Aroaro Tamati
Te Pou Tiringa Incorporated
Health issue:
Child and youth (healthy) development
Proposal type:
Ngā Kanohi Kitea Project Grant
Lay summary
The study aim is to contribute to generating an evidence base around what constitutes effective early life kaupapa Maori programming that will lead to improved health outcomes later in life. The research will include an investigation of Maori and Western concepts of early childhood behaviours (such as tiaki, takohanga/responsibility, self-efficacy and self-control) where there is evidence and/or strong indications that intervention in early life leads to positive health outcomes in later life. The research will be located at the interface between matauranga Maori and Western science, and will have a lifecourse and whanau ora orientation. The research will contribute to the development and scaling up of early life interventions that lead to improved health outcomes in later life in areas of substantial ethnic disparity for Maori including a range of non-communicable diseases. The study will complement other Taranaki Maori community research that has been carried out, is underway, or is planned under the auspices of Te Kupenga matauranga o Taranaki (a Taranaki Maori community organisation that co-ordinates local Maori community research).