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International Relationship Fund: EU-NZ collaboration

24 months
Approved budget:
Professor Robert Doughty
Health issue:
Proposal type:
EU Collaboration Enabling Grant
Lay summary
The objective of this grant proposal is to establish a critical mass of expertise across clinical, epidemiological and biostatistical disciplines in collaboration between the University of Auckland and Oxford University on cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk prediction/diagnosis. As far as we are aware, this will be the first significant international collaboration to develop a coherent research and analytical methods programme on cardiovascular risk prediction/diagnosis. The work plan for this collaboration is focused on the topic of personalised healthcare, particularly on improving CVD risk prediction/diagnosis. The plan provides significant opportunities for individuals and groups with complementary research skills and interests in New Zealand and Oxford to work collaboratively on specific projects and develop a more comprehensive and coherent set of skills and levels of expertise. This research field is of particular relevance in New Zealand and the United Kingdom due to the major CVD burden now and for the foreseeable future. The initial research themes have been identified from recent meetings and discussions and are designed to facilitate early direct collaboration. These research themes will be developed during the period of this collaboration and will be the subject of future joint grant applications for specific projects. It is anticipated that these themes will lead to further longer-term joint projects.