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Improving participatory outcomes in TBI: a feasibility study

18 months
Approved budget:
Professor Paula Kersten
Health issue:
Injury (intentional and unintentional)
Proposal type:
Feasibility Study
Lay summary
Around 30,000 people have a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year in New Zealand. Enhancing their participation (involvement in life situations) has potentially greater impact on clients' long-term wellbeing than the limited intensive rehabilitation offered shortly after injury. Providing social support by people who have successfully been through the same situation (peer mentoring) is one strategy that has been used to improve participation in some client groups. Our proposed clinical trial will examine if peer mentoring improves participation in the community. The feasibility study will seek feedback to refine the intervention, evaluate the appropriateness/burden of the proposed outcome measures and assess recruitment rates. We will train six mentors (people who have had a TBI in the past and who are satisfied with their own participation) and test the intervention with six TBI clients. A further 10 will also complete the outcome measures at the same time-points to evaluate measurement burden