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How do we know if what we're doing works? Evaluating Kapiti Youth Support

22 months
Approved budget:
Ms Robyn Bailey
Health issue:
Other (generic health or health services)
Proposal type:
Health Delivery Research Partnership Project
Lay summary
Anecdotal evidence suggests that Kapiti Youth Support (KYS) plays a key role in making positive changes for Kapiti youth. But there is a need to capture evidence of this change. This project will develop a youth outcomes model and measures for assessing the changes experienced by young people using KYS services. It will provide understanding of how the integrated service approach used by KYS contributes to these changes, and enable judgments about 'how good' (or otherwise) these services are for young people, their families and the wider community. The changes for young people using KYS services will be tracked over time using the youth outcomes model. It is anticipated that the youth outcomes model, measures and associated monitoring and evaluation framework will be transferable in whole or in part to all youth-one-stop-shop providers as well as being of interest to other integrated health providers and funders of youth services.