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Healthy public policy for children in NZ: overcoming the obstacles

48 months
Approved budget:
Dr Amanda D'Souza
Health issue:
Child and youth (healthy) development
Proposal type:
Clinical Research Training Fellowship
Lay summary
Child health in NZ continues to be poor despite many reports to Government specifying actions, including public policy changes. There is not clarity and agreement on which measures should be introduced and how. This research explores the obstacles to healthy public policy for NZ children and aims to identify effective policy interventions to address them though a comparative analysis of NZ, UK and Sweden. Evidence from the literature, documentary analysis, and key stakeholder interviews will be analysed to prepare potential policy solutions. Key informants will assess these using policy analysis criteria. Policy recommendations will be formulated and feedback sought through workshops. The research will identify ways to break this policy impasse. This award would allow me to undertake a PhD and will equip me well for a career as an academic and specialist child health policy researcher, to influence policy development and ultimately to improve children's health in NZ.