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Health social marketing: Maori as a target market

8 months
Approved budget:
Ms Marie McCarthy
Health issue:
Other (generic health or health services)
Proposal type:
Māori Health PhD Scholarship
Lay summary
There are a number of health social marketing campaigns that specifically target Maori and will continue to do so, given that Maori health statistics in comparison to their Pakeha counterparts are in a poor state. Social marketing has been utilised for a number of years as a means through which attitudes and behaviours are altered for social good reasons. The health arena has fully embraced the approaches and processes of the social marketing field. This PhD research proposal contends that while some of the social marketing campaigns are facilitating behavioural and attitudinal changes, there are some that are not reaching the target Maori audiences and some that could be more effective. This research purports that the underlying social marketing principles of inform, as represented in price, product, promotion, place, exchange and consumer orientation (to name a few), need to be unpacked in relation to Maori as social marketing for consumers. This PhD will deconstruct the underlying philosophies and principles that inform social marketing through the literature and the utilisation of a case study approach. The outcome of the PhD will be a Maori social marketing framework/model that can be applied to social marketing processes and approaches.