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Exploring Pacific leaders' in-depth thinking to develop a Pacific health strategy

36 months
Approved budget:
Dr Aliitasi Su'a-Tavila
Health issue:
Proposal type:
Pacific Health Postdoctoral Fellowship
Lay summary
Research show that cultural values relating to food generally override healthy eating recommendations with the Samoan community. This study will further explore these relationships with a wider range of Pacific community leaders in New Zealand in order to develop and implement a healthy eating strategy for Pacific peoples. The outcome is to improve the health of Pacific peoples in New Zealand and in other Pacific nations. I will: (1) Discuss the key concepts applicable for a Pacific healthy eating strategy with Pacific leaders; (2) Examine existing health initiatives in other Pacific nations; (3) Develop community-based healthy eating strategy under guidance of Pacific leaders; and (4) Consider how this may inform Pacific Health Policy in New Zealand and contribute to knowledge development and health of Pacific peoples. I will use grounded theory methodological approach to guide the research and use focus group discussions for data collection.