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Evaluating initiatives to enhance acute care services in Auckland

12 months
Approved budget:
Professor Timothy Tenbensel
Auckland UniServices
Health issue:
Other (generic health or health services)
Proposal type:
Primary Care Research Project
Lay summary
Many acute health care services can be provided in primary care settings. In greater Auckland, Accident and Medical centres meet many acute care needs appropriately. However, high A&M co-payments present a significant barrier to many patients. Our research seeks to evaluate two BSMC-related initiatives sponsored by the Greater Auckland Integrated Health Network (GAIHN) that aim to sustainably reduce hospital emergency department demand growth and enhance the provision of appropriate acute-care services in community settings by subsidising the cost of A&M consultations. These initiatives are the Auckland After-Hours initiative and the St John Transport Project. We will evaluate the effectiveness of these initiatives, using a research approach that involves the collection and integration of multiple quantitative and qualitative sources of data. We will also develop models of acute- and after-hours care utilisation and initiative implementation that will provide a valuable decision-making resource for health funders and policymakers.