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Engagement with paid work after neurological injury in urban Aotearoa/NZ

36 months
Approved budget:
Associate Professor Joanna Fadyl
Auckland University of Technology
Health issue:
Neurological (CNS)
Proposal type:
PhD Disability Research Placement Scholarship
Lay summary
Rates of sustained return to work after neurological injury are low, despite evidence that people want to work. Furthermore, there are significant costs associated with being off work, both in terms of financial situation and physical and psychological well-being. Despite there being a range of approaches to vocational intervention, there is still limited theoretical understanding of the influences that impact on whether or not people engage with paid work after neurological injury. This lack of theoretical basis limits service development. This research will use situational analysis and discourse analysis methods to investigate the influences present when people consider engagement with paid work after neurological injury in urban Aotearoa/NZ. This is intended to develop more robust theoretical understandings, to inform approaches to vocational rehabilitation. Following this analysis, collaborative workshops with people with neurological injury and service providers will be used to take research findings forward into practice.