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EGFR testing for Maori patients with non-small-cell lung cancer

12 months
Approved budget:
Dr Lesley Batten
Massey University
Health issue:
Cancer (oncology)
Proposal type:
Feasibility Study
Lay summary
The research objective is to investigate the feasibility of testing Maori patients with non-small-cell lung cancer for somatic Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) alterations. Qualitative semi-structured interviews will be undertaken with lung cancer patients and whanau to explore acceptable practices related to consent and management of biopsy samples; biopsy use for research and/or therapeutic benefit; the challenges associated with hospital-based chemotherapy; and the potential issues of home-based, self-administered therapy. In addition, a survey of physicians and pathologists involved in managing lung cancer investigating the feasibility of EGFR testing will be combined with a cost study of EGFR testing in New Zealand. Maori lung cancer patients may have tumours with altered genetic receptors that may respond more readily to oral targeted therapy (currently un-funded), instead of intravenous chemotherapy. Targeted therapies have fewer side effects, are self-administered at home, and are potentially more effective in improving quality of life and prolonging survival.