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The effects of parent-child interactions and early mental state language on children's behaviour, in the Pasifika context

4 months
Approved budget:
Miss Manatu Fia
Health issue:
Mental health (and sleep disorders)
Proposal type:
Pacific Health Summer Studentship
Lay summary
Early experiences, such as language acquisition and social relationships children have with their parents and teachers, have been found to be key for establishing sound mental health and wellbeing. Early exposure to conversations about mental states can be beneficial for children’s psychosocial functioning later in life. However, there is very little known about mental state language use in Pasifika communities. The aim of this project is to understand the mental state language and interaction practices that support the socioemotional wellbeing of Pasifika toddlers growing up in New Zealand. I hope to understand and identify factors that protect our children from future mental and behavioural problems.