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Developmental gene expression profile of vmo-1 in the mouse auditory system

3 months
Approved budget:
Miss Blaise Forrester-Gauntlett
Health issue:
Proposal type:
Māori Health Masters Scholarship
Lay summary
Vitelline membrane outer layer 1 (vmo-1) was discovered to be located in the Reissner’s membrane of the inner ear in 2007 and is of interest because it is a candidate for being involved in human hearing loss and balance disorders such as Ménières disease. The key objective of this research is to investigate the expression of a novel gene (vmo-1) at different developmental time points, in the mouse auditory system and to characterise the vmo-1 protein. A variety of molecular biology techniques will be used to determine the gene expression profile of vmo-1 at different developmental time points and to characterise the vmo-1 protein. For example, RNA and protein extraction, Polymerse Chain Reaction (PCR), Western Blots, in situ hybridisation and immunohistochemistry. Data generated will help determine the gene function of vmo-1, its role within the Reissner’s Membrane, and will contribute towards the possible prevention, diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss.