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Burden of Disease Epidemiology, Equity and Cost-Effectiveness Programme (BODE3)

66 months
Approved budget:
Professor Tony Blakely
University of Otago
Health issue:
Other (generic health or health services)
Proposal type:
Lay summary
The aim of BODE3 is to build capacity and academic rigour in NZ in the estimation of disease burden, cost-effectiveness and equity impacts of proposed interventions, and undertake a range of such assessments. We will be doing this through projects addressing cancer control interventions and, more generally, public health interventions that affect all disease outcomes. Cutting across the whole programme is capacity building in epidemiological and cost-effectiveness modelling (e.g. multistate lifetables and Markov models), quantifying equity impacts (e.g. relative cost-effectiveness by ethnicity), and quantifying uncertainty in final estimates of cost-effectiveness. BODE3 has extensive involvement of decision makers on advisory groups that will assist the selection of interventions to model, and the interpretation of findings. We will be both developing innovative methodologies on an international-level, and providing real-time information to assist the pressing health policy issue of prioritisation by decision-makers in the NZ health system.