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Chewing the facts on fat! What does that say about me?

24 months
Approved budget:
Associate Professor Tupa'ilevaililigi Ridvan Firestone
Health issue:
Proposal type:
Pacific Health Networking Project
Lay summary
Obesity is very common in Pacific peoples in NZ, and the prevalence is projected to increase over time. This proposal comprises two parts, and aims to investigate the broader issues across the life-course, that includes biological, social and historical factors amongst 300 young Pacific peoples aged 16-24 years from Auckland and Wellington (Part 1). Through in-depth interviews, the study will also attain comprehensive knowledge about food practices and perceptions, based on social-cultural values in young (n=30) and older Pacific peoples from the same family (n=60) (Part 2), in order to understand the historical cultural contexts of food and understandings about socialisation patterns relating to food and body size. Thus, the study will identify modifiable factors that influence obesity risk, and identify culturally acceptable intervention and preventative strategies to protect the young and future Pacific peoples in developing obesity and long-term related health conditions.